First Baptist Church of Allentown meets every weekend on Sundays at 1808 N 19th St. Allentown, PA 18104
8:45 L.I.F.E. Groups
10:00 Service
In total, a each service is about 60 minutes in length. Services begin with either the choir or the praise band leading the church in music – song lyrics are projected onto the screens so you can sing along and/or engage with worship however you feel most comfortable. After the music portion of service is complete, one of our pastors will come out to share the message.
Sunday’s at First Baptist are exciting, casual, and relaxed. Come as you are and expect to feel welcome.
We believe that kids should feel welcome and enjoy attending church every single week – and at First Baptist, we make this a priority. Children’s ministries and nursery are offered during the first service and L.I.F.E. Group time for kids ages infant through Grade 5. For more about what’s offered for kids check out our Kids page
At First Baptist Church we are focused on a true, real, living, and growing relationship with Jesus Christ. As our pastor says,
“There are no perfect people allowed at FBCAtown, because there aren’t any!”
We believe you will find our services to be worshipful as well as warm, friendly and down-to-earth.
Our worship service includes a nice blend of contemporary music as well as reverential hymns, all of which focus upon the God we are seeking to worship.
The sermons are all entirely biblically based and God centered, with relevant application for our lives. Our services are a time where you can worship God and get to know Him in a better way on a personal level.
Do I dress casual? Like I’m going to to work? Like I’m relaxing with friends, Like I’m going out for dinner? Well, the easy answer is, “Yes!” We’re not so much concerned about your clothes as we are about your heart. Just come as you are and focus on Jesus.
While our services are casual in nature, there is nothing casual about the wonderful God that we serve.
Worship at First Baptist Church reflects our desire to glorify God in all that we do!
The mission of First Baptist Church is to so exalt Jesus Christ and to equip believers to express their faith, so that His kingdom extends throughout the Lehigh Valley and around the world.
Glorifying God by Loving you as you are; Joining you in the journey; Celebrating where He is taking us.
Our foundation is the infallible and life-changing Word of God.
We embrace worship as a way of life and not just an event.
We are a multi-ethnic and multi-generational church committed to unity in Christ in our ministry and worship.
We provide a warm welcome and a loving community to all who enter our doors.
We strive to become more like Jesus through discipleship and personal growth.
We are determined to reflect God’s grace in all relationships because God so generously saved us by grace.
We are committed to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with people in our neighborhood and around the world.