“Give Me Your Eyes For Just One Second”

What goes through your mind when you pass a car broken down on the side of the road? Sometimes I see if there is someone on the phone calling for help or what appears to me to be someone initiating an ‘action plan.’ But if I’m being honest, most times I drive right by, so focused on where I’m going…

“I Will Build My Life Upon Your Love; It Is A Firm Foundation

Scripture references: Romans 5:8, James 1:2, James 1:26-27, Deuteronomy 10:18, Psalm 68:5, Isaiah 1:17, Zechariah 7:10, Hebrews 13:8, Ruth 4:18-22. Introduction: “I will build my life upon your love; it is a firm foundation.” This lyric is from a song that we will be singing as a community in worship this Sunday called: ‘Build My Life.’ What does it mean…

“There is no shadow of turning with Thee”

Life is full of ups and downs, twists and turns. Our circumstances and mood can fluctuate many times throughout the course of a day. It’s amazing to me how I can wake up in one mood, thinking the day will play out a certain way, and then one thing happens and completely changes the direction and tone of my day.…

“Take my life and let it be consecrated, lord, to thee.”

Scripture references: 1 Samuel 1:10-11, 1 Samuel 1:20, 1 Samuel 2:12, 1 Samuel 2:26, 1 Chronicles 6:33-37, Numbers 16, Numbers 26:10-11 Introduction: “Take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to thee.” As a church, we just went through a unifying transition. This theme of ‘consecration’ has been part of our transition from our very first combined service. What…

“Bind My Wandering Heart To Thee”

I have a guitar that struggles to stay in tune. It’s easily impacted by the environment it’s in… humidity and temperature changes, not to mention the level of ferocity with which I’m strumming. Because of this, my guitar needs to be tuned frequently, sometimes even between songs on a Sunday morning. This guitar can make beautiful music when it’s in…

“I’ve Nothing Else Fit For A King”

What do you give someone who has given you everything?  I feel like this is often the struggle we face when trying to find the right gift for a loved one who has sacrificed so much for us. In terms of our relationship with God, the Bible tells us that we are to offer God all that we are (Romans…

“We Are Your Church”

Roughly 8 months ago, our church gathered together at a combined service for Rally Day to celebrate the unofficial start of the ministry year. At that service, the choir, praise band, and children’s choir joined together in singing a song by Rend Collective called “Build Your Kingdom Here.” It was a beautiful sight, a diverse group of people joining together…