“Come and worship the Holy God”
What was the last thing you were so excited about that you couldn’t stop talking about it? Maybe it was a movie you saw, a book you read, or a milestone moment in your family—like the birth of a child or grandchild, or perhaps a big wedding. For me, it was the 2024 Detroit Lions season… which was amazing—until it wasn’t.
Whatever it was for you, you likely found yourself unable to do anything but talk about that thing. Your excitement was overflowing, and everyone around you could tell just how much it meant to you.
I once read a line by C.S. Lewis that I don’t remember well enough to quote exactly, but it goes something like this: We will naturally talk most about the things we enjoy most. Every one of us can recognize this as a natural part of human behavior.
Here’s the convicting part for me: I find myself proclaiming the greatness of the Detroit Lions more than the greatness of God. That’s a heart issue—one that has been and will continue to be the focus of other devotionals.
But today, rather than examining the heart, I want to focus on the reasons we have to proclaim the greatness of God.
This Sunday, we will be singing a song by CityAlight titled Only a Holy God. In its four verses, it lists line after line of things that apply only to God—each one a reason to proclaim His greatness. Take some time to read the lyrics below, along with the corresponding Bible verses, and reflect on how each trait of God makes Him alone worthy of our praise.
Verse 1
Who else commands all the hosts of heaven? (Matthew 26:53)
Who else could make every king bow down? (Matthew 28:18)
Who else can whisper and darkness trembles? (Colossians 1:13)
Only a Holy God
Verse 2
What other beauty demands such praises? (Psalm 27:4)
What other splendor outshines the sun? (Revelation 22:5)
What other majesty rules with justice? (Psalm 89:14)
Only a Holy God
Verse 3
What other glory consumes like fire? (Hebrews 12:28-29)
What other power can raise the dead? (Mark 5:35-43)
What other name remains undefeated? (1 Corinthians 15:54-57)
Only a Holy God
Verse 4
Who else could rescue me from my failing? (Romans 5:5-6)
Who else would offer His only Son? (John 3:16)
Who else invites me to call Him Father? (Romans 8:15)
Only a Holy God
In light of all these truths, the chorus of this song calls us to behold God—the only one to whom these things apply—and to forever worship a Holy God.
God is worthy of our praise not only because of what He has done for us, but because of who He is. Too often, the focus in our relationship with God is on ourselves, which can lead to a transactional and self-seeking relationship, rather than centered on worship
Tim Keller says “you know your glorifying something when you find it beautiful for what it is in itself, and not what it can do for you”
So often the focus of our worship is due to what God has done for us and not because…
- He is holy.
- He is powerful.
- He is good.
Just to name a few.
Psalm 145 is a Song of Praise. Of David, celebrating God’s greatness. I encourage you to take some time in the coming days or weeks to reflect on the lyrics of this song and meditate on Psalm 145. Let it lead you into a time of praise, for He alone is worthy.
Psalm 145:3 “Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and His greatness is unsearchable.”