King David: David’s Playlist: Pursuing True Revival (I Chronicle 16:8-36)

Series: King David

1. Celebrating the Works of God – I Chronicles 16:8-22)

How Great is our God? (Psalm 105:1-15)

A. Remembering His faithfulness – “wondrous works”(1-6)

B. Remembering His promise – “covenant” (7-11)

C. Remembering His affection – care and protection (12-15)


2. Engaging in the Worship of God(16:23-33)

Why worship? (Psalm 96:1-10)

A. He provides salvation (1-3)
B. He is greater than any other “god” (4-6)
C. He reigns (7-10)


3. Enjoying the Goodness of God -(16:34-36)

How good is our God? (Psalm 106:1, 47-48)
A. His love is never-ending (1)
B. He redeems us! Our response – gratitude and praise (47-48)